Wheiao Ao Marama Ao Turoa
Wheiao Ao Marama Ao Turoa … describes a space between the world of darkness and world of light, but is much closer to the unfolding of the world of light – a transitional or liminal space. As spectator, it may describe a journey from the unfamiliar to one of enlightenment and understanding. (Barlow 1991)
Artists’ Brief
To interrogate the traditional separation between spectator and spectacle.
For Mataariki in 2011, our creative metaphor is an exploratory journey into the infinity of ideas that exist within the artistic mind. Each participating artist will be formed by a different thought process, a different set of artistic principles, a different means of expression, a different relationship with the viewer, a different relationship with self … a different space.
However, with different philosophies ascribed I hope the above concept provides you with a context to be able to explore new ideas and new places; to take pleasure in new discoveries; to empathise and be able to step back with our universe expanded to include new galaxies of thought we have encountered.
Heiwari Johnson – Curator